събота, 15 март 2014 г.

Kokabiel (Kabiel, Kakabiel, Kochab, Kochbiel, Kokbiel)

Angel who is PRINCE of the stars ( kochab ); also a FALLEN ANGEL . The name “Kokabiel” means “star of God.” In 1 ENOCH Kokabiel is a fallen angel who com- mands 365,000 demons. In 3 Enoch he is prince of the stars, ranking below Rahatiel, the prince of the constel- lations. 3 Enoch 17:7 says Kokabiel commands 365,000 myriads of MINISTERING ANGELS who make the stars run from city to city and from state to state in the Raqia’ level of the HEAVENS . In SEFER RAZIEL , Kokabiel is a high-ranking angel.

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