понеделник, 13 юни 2011 г.


Although not mentioned in the Koran, Israfil, or Israfel (the Burning
One) is one of the four archangels of Islam, along with Mikhail, Djibril,
and Izra’il. Israfil is known particularly as the angel of Judgment
Day, who blows his horn to awaken the dead. According to tradition,
he is an extraordinarily tall angel, with his feet below the earth and
his head reaching the pillars of God’s throne. He is so saddened by the
thought of hell that whenever he glances down to the infernal
regions, which he is said to do six times a day, his tears would flood the
earth if God did not prevent them from flowing.
Israfil is also an angel of music. He has four wings and a beautiful
face. His body is covered with mouths that constantly praise God in a
thousand different tongues. From his breath, God is said to create
hundreds of thousands of other angels for the heavenly chorus.
Some traditions say that for three years before Muhammad’s first
encounter with Djibril (who revealed the Koran), Israfil was the
Prophet’s disguised companion.

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