неделя, 12 юни 2011 г.


Israel (striver with God) is generally considered an angel of the
order of hayyoth, a class of angels who surround God’s throne. They
are usually compared with the cherubim and the seraphim. According
to The Book of the Angel Raziel Israel ranks sixth among the
throne angels.
In the Alexandrian Gnostic Prayer of Joseph, the patriarch Jacob
is an archangel, named Israel, who entered earthly life from a pre-existent
state. Here, Israel is “an angel of God and a principal spirit,”
whereas further along Israel introduces himself as the archangel of the
power of the Lord and the chief tribune among the sons of God. He
also identifies himself as the angel Uriel.
Israel is also mentioned by the mystics of the geonic period (seventh–
eleventh centuries), as a heavenly being whose function is to
call the angels to sing God’s praise. Israel is identified with the Logos
by the philosopher Philo, whereas Louis Ginzberg, in The Legends of
the Jews, calls him “Jacob’s countenance in the throne of Glory.”

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