неделя, 22 май 2011 г.


Elijah is one of the more famous Hebrew prophets, with whom much
fantastic lore is associated. So entrenched in mythic lore is this
prophet, that he has taken on decidedly angelic proportions. In the
Bible, Elijah is the prophet who bests the priests of Baal in a contest of
supernatural power between their god and the God of Israel.
Scripture records (2 Kings 2:11–12) that, at the end of his life,
Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire without having to
die. Like Enoch before him, who was translated bodily into heaven
and became an angel, Elijah is supposed to have been transformed
into the angel Sandalphon.
Elijah is considered the harbinger of the Messiah’s return according
to Mal. 3:23: “Behold, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of the
Lord.” Because of this role as precursor and preparer
for the Lord, the Christian church appropriated
Elijah and claimed him to be reincarnated
in the guise of John the Baptist. In his
role as messianic herald, at the End of Days, Elijah
will “blow the shofar, revealing the Primal
Light of Creation, reviving the dead, and
rebuilding the Temple. His arrival will banish
all evil from the earth” (Frankel, p. 48).
Jewish tradition has assigned Elijah the role
of guardian angel to newborn children and
young people who die early in life. His legend
has so grown in proportion that he is considered
a kind of miracle worker or fairy godfather
who intervenes in times of marital trouble,
grants wishes, and in essence, performs all the
true functions of an angel. Jewish Cabalists
even assert that Elijah originally was an angel
created out of the Tree of Life, who frequently
returns to holy residents of earth to explain the
mysteries of the Torah.

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