неделя, 22 май 2011 г.


The term element has come to be associated with the chemical elements.
Prior to the modern era, and dating back at least as far as the
ancient Greeks, this term referred to the four classical elements of
earth, air, water, and fire. It seems that by these “elements” the
ancients meant “states of matter”: solid, gas, liquid, and (for lack of a
better term) energy.
The Western occult tradition has postulated that these “states”
are the result of the activity of small, invisible spirits termed elementals.
While some branches of the occult tradition view elementals as
transitory and soulless, others see them as conscious life forms that
evolve into fairies and devas (angels). The task of the elementals, like
that of the nature devas, is to build up forms in the natural world, thus
providing an arena in which other beings, such as human souls, can
evolve spiritually.
The names of the elemental spirits and the archangels said to rule
them (in at least some schemas) are as follows:
Element Elemental Beings Ruling Archangel
Earth Gnomes Uriel
Water Undines Gabriel
Air Sylphs Raphael
Fire Salamanders Michael

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