събота, 1 януари 2011 г.


Adramelechk (King of Fire) is one of two throne angels generally
linked with the angel Asmadai, one of the two potent thrones mentioned
in Milton’s Paradise Lost. He is mentioned in demonography as
the eighth of the ten archdemons and as a great minister and chancellor
of the Order of the Fly, an infernal order founded by Beelzebub. In
rabbinic literature, it is said that when conjured Adramelechk manifests
in the form of a mule or a peacock.
Adramelechk, who has also been equated with the Babylonian
Anu and with the Ammonite Moloch, is mentioned in various
sources, such as The History of Magic, where he is pictured as a horse; 2
Kings, where he is regarded as a god to whom children of the Sepharvite colony in Samaria were sacrificed; and Milton’s Paradise
Lost, where he is referred to as both an idol of the Assyrians and a fallen
angel overthrown by Uriel and Raphael in combat.

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