четвъртък, 11 август 2011 г.

Angels-Тhe nature of Angels

Because we attribute characteristics to humans, it is not uncommon to
often apply these same qualities (albeit it the better qualities of man)
to angels. And because angels are believed to exemplify these attributes
in their purest forms, it is natural for humans to strive to measure
up. For example, a popular quote from Thomas Traherne in the seventeenth
century is “How like an angel came I down!” In modern times,
we often hear remarked, “she’s an angel” or “what an angel.”
Loyalty is one of these commonly assigned characteristics. Angels
are thought to be truly loyal because they are not subject to their own
changing agendas.

Angels are wholly devoted to God

and their loyalty
to him is unquestioned. An example of human fealty as compared to
pure angel loyalty can be found in the Old Testament. The young
David was a soldier with the Philistine army under the leadership of
Achish when it was going to attack an Israelite encampment. The
Philistine soldiers mistrusted David as a Jew and refused to fight side
by side with him, fearing that he would turn traitor. Achish told
David that he found no fault with him, but that the other soldiers
refused to go into battle with David in their ranks. He was therefore
told to go home. David protested, asking why he should not be
allowed to fight this battle for Achish as he had for the past year.
“Achish answered David, ‘I agree that you have been as true to me as
an angel of God, but the Philistine commanders insist that you shall
not fight alongside them”’ (1 Sam. 29:9). Achish expressed his belief
in David’s loyalty by comparing it to that of an angel.
Infallible discernment is another quality of angels. Angels are separate
from the human race and are not subject to its confusions, particularly
when it comes to right and wrong. The wise woman of
Tekoah flattered King David by comparing his discernment to that of
an angel in order to secure the return of the young man Absalom to
Jerusalem. She said, “I thought too that the words of my lord the king
would be a comfort to me; for your majesty is like the angel of God
and can decide between right and wrong” (2 Sam. 14:17).
Wisdom was another angelic quality that the wise woman of
Tekoah recognized in King David when he asked her if she came at
the behest of Joab. The woman admitted that this was so and said,
“Your majesty is as wise as the angel of God and knows all that goes on
in the land” (2 Sam. 14:20). Angels traditionally have knowledge of
every occurrence on earth. This absolute knowledge together with the
absolute discernment that angels possess and the doing of God’s will as
their sole purpose would indeed make angels wise.
Good judgment is another quality of angels to which man can
aspire and that King David was recognized as possessing in angelic
proportions. Mephibosheth’s loyalty to King David was challenged by
his own servant. Mephibosheth said to King David, “Your majesty is
like the angel of God; you must do what you think right.”

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