неделя, 10 юли 2011 г.


Moroni is the Mormon Angel of God, son of “Mormon, the last
great leader of the Nephites.” Moroni (late fourth to early fifth centuries)
is considered the last prophet and is the author of the final
book in the Book of Mormon, which contains the plates of Nephi
that cover a thousand years of Mormon history. When, ca. A.D. 421,
Moroni finished his last entry, he buried it to be discovered by future
Between the years 1823 and 1829, Moroni returned to earth as a
resurrected messenger of God, and appeared at least twenty times to,
among others, Mormon church founder Joseph Smith. These visits
eventually led Smith to find the hidden golden plates of the Nephite
records in the hill Cumorah in what is now Ontario County, New
York. Moroni continued to appear to Smith and instructed him in his
calling as prophet and counselor.
Moroni is usually depicted blowing a trumpet in reference to the
prophecy of John in the Book of Revelation:
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having
the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the
earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him;
for the hour of his judgment is come; and worship him that
made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of
waters. (Rev. 14:6–7)
The symbol of Moroni appears on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints (LDS) temple spires, graces the Book of Mormon, and
is the official emblem on grave markers of American Mormon servicemen.

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