понеделник, 27 юни 2011 г.


Mastema (Hebrew, “animosity”), also spelled Mansemat, is “the father
of all evil, yet subservient to God,” according to the Book of Jubilees
of the Old Testament Apocrypha, wherein Mastema is described as
the Angel of Adversity. Elsewhere, Mastema is referred to as the
Accusing Angel.Mastema works for God by tempting mankind and serving as an
executioner. He commands many demons, evil spirits born of the dead
bodies of giants that were the offspring of fallen angels and mortal
earth women. According to one legend, after the Flood, God intended
to comply with Noah’s request to lock away all of the evil spirits
underground. Mastema was able to convince God it would be wise to
allow some of the demons to continue their work, as sinful mortals
still needed to be kept in line and have their faith tested at times. God
agreed to allow one-tenth of the demons to carry on their work under
Mastema’s supervision.
There are other references to Mastema, as in Exod. 4:24, where he
tries to kill Moses. It is also said that Mastema assisted the Egyptian
wizards against Moses and Aaron when these Israelites presented
themselves before the pharaoh to display their talent at feats of magic.

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