понеделник, 27 юни 2011 г.


Mara is the Buddhist Satan. His name comes from a root meaning “to
die.” Although Buddhism has hell worlds, the real “hell” of Buddhism
is the cycle of death and rebirth (reincarnation) in which human
beings are bound, and the ultimate goal of Buddhism is liberation from
this cycle. Mara’s aim is not so much to draw people into hell, but
rather to keep them in bondage to the cycle of reincarnation.
The best-known story involving Mara is the tale of his attempt to
prevent the Buddha from achieving enlightenment. According to the
legend, as the Buddha was on the brink of nirvana, Mara sent beauti-
ful, tempting, heavenly women (Buddhist
apsaras) to distract his attention. The Buddha
was unmoved by passion, so Mara changed tact
and tried frightening him with ferocious
demons. The Buddha was still undisturbed, and
Mara finally challenged his right to liberation.
In response, the Buddha is said to have called
the earth as his witness, whose response was so
powerful that it frightened away Mara and his
hordes. That very night, the Buddha achieved

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