понеделник, 27 юни 2011 г.


In folklore, Mammon is a fallen angel, residing in hell as the Demon
of Avarice who personifies greed and lust for money. In Paradise Lost,
John Milton depicts Mammon as forever looking downward, at Heaven’s
golden pavement, rather than up at God. After the War in Heaven,
when Mammon is relegated to hell, he is the one who finds underground
precious metal that the demons use to build Pandemonium,
their capital city.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal by De Plancy, Mammon is noted as
hell’s ambassador to England. He is equated with Lucifer, Satan, and
Nebuchadnezzar. Gregory of Nyssa also interpreted Mammon to be a
name for Beelzebub.
In the Bible, Mammon is quite hostile to God. The word mammon
comes originally from Jesus’ declaration in the Gospels: “No man can
be a slave to two masters; he will hate one and love the other; he will
be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and
mammon [greed for worldly riches]” (Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13).

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