четвъртък, 16 юни 2011 г.


John the Baptist—whom the Christian community identified as the
prophesied Elijah, come to proclaim the imminent advent of the Messiah—
is identified as an angel in several ways. All of the synoptic
gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), for example, portray John as the
“messenger” (angelos) predicted in the Book of Malachi by citing Mal.
3:1 (“Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before me”) in
connection with their discussion of John’s ministry.
Also, Elijah was transported directly into heaven, where tradition
says that he was transformed into the angel Sandalphon. Hence if
John was Elijah returned, he was also an embodiment of Sandalphon.
Perhaps reflecting this angelic identification, or simply because he
performed the role of messenger, John the Baptist was traditionally
depicted as having wings by the Eastern Orthodox Church.

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