понеделник, 13 юни 2011 г.


According to Islam, jinn (from which we get the term genie) are invisible
spirits made of fire, who were created two thousand years before
Adam. Islamic thinkers postulated three orders of beings beyond God:
angels, jinn, and humanity. The angels, who were created out of light,
are closest to God. The jinn, who are intermediate between angels and
humanity, inhabit a subtly material or etheric realm. As do human
beings, jinn possess intelligence and free will and are thus capable of
being saved. For this reason, the Koran sometimes explicitly addresses
itself to both humans and jinn. It is said that one night a group of jinn
overheard the Prophet reciting the Koran and became believers. The
spot where Muhammad later met with the jinn’s leaders and accepted
their allegiance is the site of the Mosque of the Jinn in Mecca.
Iblis, the Islamic Satan, was transformed from an angel into a jinn
when he refused God’s command that he worship Adam (who was created out of mere clay). Iblis and the other angels
who shared his viewpoint were removed from
their stations. Iblis and the jinn were exiled
from Eden and subsequently became demons.
(Also included among the outcasts were five of
Iblis’s sons.) Ejected from the presence of God,
these former angels turned to trickery.
An example of a good jinn is the friendly
“jinni” (genie) in the Arabian Nights who assists
Aladdin when he rubs his magic lamp. The jinn
are also referred to as good spirits in A Dictionary
of Islam, by Thomas P. Hughes. The entry titled
“Genii” states, “The most noble and honorable
among the angels are called the Ginn, because
they are veiled from the eyes of the other angels
on account of their superiority.”

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