неделя, 12 юни 2011 г.


All of the religions in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic complex share a
similar idea about the origin of Satan, namely, that he was a prideful
angel who was ejected from heaven. In his postcelestial career, Satan
then took on the task of leading humanity astray. In Judaism and
Christianity, Satan provokes a war in heaven in which he leads a
revolt against God. He is, of course, defeated, and he and his followers
are ejected from heaven. In Islam, the story is somewhat different.
In the Islamic tradition, there are three orders of beings—angels,
who are made from light; jinn, who are made from fire; and human
beings, who are made from clay. The angels were created first. When
God created Adam, he commanded the angels to worship him. Iblis
(often spelled Eblis) refused on the grounds that Adam, who, after all,
was a mere creature of dust and dirt, was inferior to the angels. As
punishment for his disobedience, Iblis was transformed from an angel
into a jinn.
Subsequently, Iblis and other angels who shared his viewpoint
were removed from their stations and exiled from heaven. They later
became demons, with Iblis playing the role of the Islamic Satan.
According to the Koran, Iblis’s first misdeed was to lead Adam and
Eve astray in the Garden of Eden. The Koran also notes that at the
end of time Iblis and his hosts will be tossed into hell.
In an interesting variation on tradition, Sufis (Islamic mystics)
reinterpreted Iblis’s disobedience as an act of love for God, and as an
act of obedience to the law that only God should be worshipped. To
have bowed down to Adam, in other words, would have been to
acknowledge another god, and thus have been an act of idolatry, a
severe sin in the Muslim tradition. Iblis, according to this interpretation,
was a true lover of God, and thus a Sufi. Iblis knew that the consequences
of his actions would be punishment, but he preferred
remaining true to his love of God (and accepting the consequences of
being condemned to hell) to being untrue to his love of God and
remaining in heaven.

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