неделя, 5 юни 2011 г.


In traditional astrology, the period between sunrise
and sunset was subdivided into hours, each
ruled by a different planet. The heavenly bodies
utilized were the seven traditional “planets”
prior to the discovery of Uranus, including the
Sun and the Moon. As with many other phases
of astrology, these planetary hours were also
associated with angels.
Traditional astrology stipulates that the day
be divided into twelve equal segments between
sunrise and sunset, which will thus vary in
length according to the season. On a particular
day, the first of these hours is ruled by the planet
ruling that day of the week (see rulership). In
other words, on Saturday, the first hour would
be ruled by Saturn; on Sunday, the first hour would be ruled by the
Sun; and so forth. The succeeding hours are ruled by the next planet in
the following order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, and the
Moon. After reaching the Moon, one begins again with Saturn and
repeats the same order.
Ancient astrologers used their knowledge of the planetary hours
to choose appropriate times for carrying out various activities. It was
said, for example, that Paracelsus always chose to prepare chemical
compounds on days and during hours when the ruling planet matched
the therapeutic intent behind his compounds. The angels for the
planetary hours are simultaneously the angels for the seven days of
the week, as follows:
Monday (Moon) Gabriel
Tuesday (Mars) Sammael
Wednesday (Mercury) Raphael
Thursday (Jupiter) Sachiel
Friday (Venus) Anael
Saturday (Saturn) Cassiel
Sunday (Sun) Michael
Not surprisingly, there are parallels between the astrological associations
of the planets and the nature of the corresponding angels.
Cassiel, for instance, is said to be the angel of solitude, tears, and temperance—
all traditional attributes of the planet Saturn. Thus, an
adherent of astrology would not schedule a party to begin during an
hour ruled by Cassiel (Saturn).

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