петък, 3 юни 2011 г.


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have angel lore related to angelic
lust for human beings. Although the basic idea of spirit beings or
demons having sex with human beings is very ancient, Judeo-Christian
speculation on such ideas grew out of two short, obscure verses in
Genesis (6:2 and 6:4) about the “sons of God” taking to wife the
“daughters of men.” In these rather strange verses, “sons of God” was
taken to indicate angels. The traditional interpretation of these passages
is that these sons of God are fallen angels.
Islam’s version of this theme is a tale involving two angels mentioned
in the Koran, Harut and Marut, although the Koranic reference
contains no allusion to these angels’ sexual misconduct. According
to the story, humanity’s seeming inability to avoid temptation and
sin prompted the angels to make some uncomplimentary remarks
about humankind. God responded that angels would fail as miserably
as human beings if placed under the same conditions. In answer to
God’s challenge, Harut and Marut were chosen to go down to Earth,
with strict instructions to avoid the most severe sins of murder, idolatry,
alcohol, and illicit sexual relations.
Almost immediately, Harut and Marut were overcome by desire
for an attractive woman. Caught in the act by a passerby, they killed
him so that no one could testify to their sin. However, as one might
anticipate, the all-knowing God was perfectly aware of their actions.
Furthermore, he arranged it so that the angels in heaven would witness
the reprehensive actions of their brothers on Earth.
Having miserably failed the test, Harut and Marut were punished
by being hung upside down in a well in Babylon, this being preferable
to eternal punishment in hell. The other angels had to admit that
God was right, and, presumably, snide remarks about the weakness of
humanity ceased to be made within the precincts of heaven. As for
Harut and Marut, they occupied their time teaching sorcery to
humanity, although they never failed to warn human beings of the
ultimate consequence of practicing the forbidden arts.

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