сряда, 1 юни 2011 г.


Gnomes are a form of dwarf fairy, and are associated with the element
earth. They are said to reside in deep forests, in the roots of ancient oak trees, and are supposedly occupied with the healing and protection
of wild animals. They reach maturity early and are thus often pictured
as quite old. In the occult tradition, earth is traditionally associated
with the physical body, and earth elementals (gnomes) are said to
work with human beings to maintain physical health.
As the archetypal spirits of the earth element, gnomes are occupied
with maintaining the physical structure of the planet. In ceremonial
magic, gnomes are the earth elementals of the North who are
called upon to witness rituals. The task of the elementals, like that of
the nature devas, is to build up forms in the natural world, thus providing
an arena in which other beings, such as human souls, can spiritually
evolve. Some occultists view elementals as soulless entities who
simply disappear at death, but others see them as spirits who eventually
evolve into devas (angels). Because of their association with earth,
the gnomes are under the rulership of the archangel Uriel.

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