сряда, 1 юни 2011 г.


There is a widespread tendency to confuse angels with the departed
spirits of human beings—departed spirits that have traditionally been
referred to as ghosts. Ghosts are believed to be the souls of the dead
who stay close to the earthly realm due to some upsetting aspect of
their death or their own addiction to physical existence. Etymologically,
ghost is linked to the German word geist, “spirit,” thus indicating
a broader connotation of the original word.
Ghosts are viewed differently in different civilizations. In the West,
ghosts are traditionally considered frightening, a source of evil or a
demonic force. The “role” of ghosts expanded in the nineteenth century
with the birth of Spiritualism and its systematic approach to mediumship.
Mediums, intermediaries who can communicate with spirits,
began to portray ghosts as helpful entities who remain on earth to aid
their loved ones or to reveal some sort of truth. Because they were cast
in a sort of “messenger” role, it was natural that confusion between
ghosts and angels should arise. Traditionally, however, there are several
beliefs that separate the two: angels are a separate order of creation and
have never incarnated in a human body; angels are considered residents
of heaven and are always on a mission when they are on earth, whereas
ghosts are not by any means always on a mission when earthbound.

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