вторник, 31 май 2011 г.


Fylgja (follower; plural, fylgir) is an ancient Germanic term referring to
an entity that is simultaneously a guardian spirit and a projection of
the individual’s own soul (not unlike the Zoroastrian idea of an individual
fravashi). It was believed that the fylgja was encountered outside
one’s body in the form of an animal that reflected the individual’s
character. Thus, a visionary might see his fylgja in the form of an eagle, a schemer might encounter his projected soul in the form of a
weasel, and so on. In precarious situations, the fylgja traveled before
the embodied person as a kind of guardian angel. Normally invisible,
a person’s fylgja might be encountered in dreams or at death. If the fylgja
was killed, it indicated the person’s imminent death.

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