вторник, 31 май 2011 г.


The religion of Zoroastrianism is the source of the notion of angels as
agents of God (rather than as demigods). Zoroastrianism originated in
Persia (modern Iran), but most contemporary Zoroastrians reside in
India, where they are known as Parsees. The principal angelic beings
in this tradition are the holy immortals, who are regarded as
archangels, and the yazatas, or angels. Yet another group of angelic
beings are the fravashi. They seem to have originally been spirits of
the ancestors, but gradually developed into guardian spirits, of both
human beings and celestial beings. The fravashi is also the immortal
part of the human being that remains in heaven while the individual
is incarnate on the earth.
It is said that when a Zoroastrian child is born, his or her fravashi
accompanies them to earth and acts as a guardian spirit throughout
their life, finally helping them through the trial that accompanies

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