вторник, 31 май 2011 г.


A major source of the current New Age interest in angels seems to be
Findhorn, a community in northern Scotland that came to the attention
of the occult/metaphysical subculture in the late 1960s. The early
Findhorn community focused around a highly successful vegetable garden
in which, residents claimed, community members were engaged in
a unique cooperative arrangement with agricultural devas—nature
spirits said to be particularly associated with various plants and landscape
features. Thus, the devas, whom Theosophists had long identified
with the angels of Western religious traditions, entered New Age
consciousness, although it would be more than two decades before they
would occupy center stage.
The Findhorn Community was conceived in late 1962 when
Eileen and Peter Caddy and Dorothy Maclean moved into a mobile
home at the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park on Moray Firth in Scotland.The three were unemployed and living on a small government relief
allotment when they began a garden, a seemingly impossible task
given their far northern location and the fact that they were living on
sand rather than true soil. Soon after starting the garden Dorothy
Maclean made contact with the devas.
Maclean was told by the first deva she contacted that the garden
would succeed if they cooperated with the devas by seeking their
advice. Peter Caddy, who was in charge of gardening, would present
his practical questions (such as how far apart plants should be and
how often to water them) to Maclean and she would get an answer
from the appropriate deva and report back to him. Following the
advice of the devas, the garden at Findhorn flourished and produced
an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Gardening experts visited Findhorn
and found the garden’s production to be little short of miraculous.
Other people of theosophical or spiritualistic bent joined the
community and they began to think of themselves as an experiment in
cooperation between devas and humans. Sir George Trevelyan, author
and head of the Wrekin Trust, said of the Findhorn Community, “The
possibility of cooperation with the devas should be investigated seriously.
The time has come when this can be spoken of more openly.
The phenomenon of a group of amateurs doing this forces it into our
attention. Many people are not ready to understand, and that enough
should understand and act on it is possibly of critical importance in
the present world situation.”

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