понеделник, 30 май 2011 г.


The Greek Fates are considered precursors to
angels because, as divinities of destiny and messengers
of the gods, they were usually depicted
with wings. According to the mythographer Hesiod their names were
Atropos (Inevitable), Lachesis (Apportioner of Lots), and Clotho
(the Spinner; related to the image of “spinning” one’s destiny). Their
Greek name, Moirai, means “parts” or “allotted portion.” According to
mythology the Fates are present at the birth of human beings and allot
their fate at the moment of birth. It is interesting to note that this
function links them to the theosophical notion of Lipikas, angelic
beings that regulate the karma (a notion related to fate) of individual
human beings prior to their birth.

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