неделя, 29 май 2011 г.


Angels have traditionally been viewed as perfect, eternal beings who
remain in a constant state of grace thus causing “evolution of angels”
to sound rather like an oxymoron. In contrast to this static view of traditional
religion, however, contemporary occult/metaphysical spirituality
emphasizes gradual growth, expansion of consciousness, and
learning across time, including growth across many different lifetimes.
Reincarnation, for instance, is viewed positively as a series of opportunities
for expanded spiritual growth. This gradual spiritual expansion
constitutes a kind of evolution of the soul, and the metaphor of spiritual
evolution is often expressed in the literature of this subculture.The notion of evolving angels is rooted in certain theosophical
ideas about devas, the rough equivalent of angels in theosophical lore.
Some strands of Theosophy view devas as human souls who have,
through the process of reincarnation, evolved into higher, spiritual
beings. Other strands, such as the Theosophy of Alice Bailey’s Arcane
School, place the devas on a separate evolutionary path. In particular,
Bailey sees devas as evolving from elemental spirits and fairies, rather
than from human forms.
The notion of souls “incarnating” as fairies and angels necessarily
implies that these beings have bodies, however refined and spiritualized.
This notion also raises the possibility that angels or other spirits can
“cross over” and reincarnate in human bodies; some contemporary New
Age teachers assert that devas sometimes incarnate as human beings.
The teachings of Mormonism also point to angels who undergo an
evolutionary process. One type, in particular, is referred to as a “spirit
child of the Eternal Father who has not yet been born on the earth but
is intended for earthly mortality” (Ludlow, p. 40). An example would
be the angel who appeared to Adam (Moses 5:6–8).
A second type of evolutionary spirit is known as a translated being.
Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, who were all translated bodily to heaven
would fit this category. According to Mormon church founder Joseph
Smith, “These translated beings are designated for future missions.”
A third kind of angel is described as an angel “who completed his
mortal existence but whose labor continues in the spirit world while he
awaits the resurrection of the body” (Ludlow, p. 41). Reference is made
to such beings in Heb. 12:22–23 as “the spirits of just men made perfect.”
The final type of evolutionary being is referred to as “resurrected
personages, having bodies of flesh and bones.” These resurrected
angels, according to Smith, “have advanced further in light and glory
than spirits.” Saint John, in Rev. 14:6, writes, “And I saw another
angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and
kindred, and tongue, and people.” It was, in fact, a resurrected angel,
Moroni, who revealed the Book of Mormon to Prophet Joseph Smith.

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