сряда, 9 февруари 2011 г.



Demiurge is the chief archon

(evil spiritual being), who creates
the world in the Gnostic system. Gnosticism was a movement and
school of thought prominent in the Hellenistic Mediterranean world
that influenced paganism, Judaism, and Christianity. According to
the Gnostic myth of creation, Sophia, one of the good spiritual beings
(aeons) residing in the pleroma (the pure spiritual realm), inadvertently
created another entity—often called Yaldabaoth—who created our
material world (Robinson, p. 9f). This evil deity, designated the Demiurge
(a term originally used by Plato in the Timaeus to refer to a
demigod who created the world), also created the human body in
order to trap human spirits in the physical world. Our true home is the
pleroma, however, to which we seek to return even as the archons try
to prevent us from doing so.
A standard tenet of Gnostic Christianity was that Yahweh, the
God of the Old Testament, and the evil Demiurge are one and the
same. Pointing to the discrepancy between the jealous, vengeful God
of the Old Testament and the teachings of the gentle Jesus, the Gnostics
asserted that Jesus was a teacher sent from the pleroma to guide us
back to our true home, and that the “Father” to which he referred was
different from Yahweh.

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