неделя, 16 януари 2011 г.


The concept of the collective unconscious was postulated by Carl
Gustav Jung, and can be used to explain the experience of angelic
encounters, as well as help understand why the archetype of the angel
should be so appealing. According to this famous Swiss psychiatrist,
the collective unconscious is the storehouse of myths and symbols to
which all human beings have access. It is a necessary and normal component
of the psyche, from which archetypal symbols emerge in
response to certain experiences—particularly in response to conflicts—
as tools to help cope and give meaning. In their various roles as
messengers from beyond, as guardians, and as spiritual helpers, angels
can embody more than one archetypal meaning. Similarly, demons (as
fallen angels) can also embody various negative meanings.
Jung’s unique contribution to modern psychology begins with the
observation that the basic structure of many symbols and myths are
nearly universal, even between cultures that have no historical connection.
Most traditional societies, for example, recount hero myths,
utilize circles to represent wholeness, or associate the sky with transcendence.
Jung theorized that this universality results from unconscious
patterns (genetic or quasi-genetic predispositions) that we
inherit from our distant ancestors. The reservoir of these patterns constitutes
a collective unconscious, distinct from the individual, personal
Jung referred to the unconscious, predisposing patterns for particular
myths and symbols as archetypes. Hence one can talk about the
mandala (i.e., the circle) archetype, the hero archetype, or the angel (or
demon) archetype. Jung asserted that his notions of the collective
unconscious and the archetypes were on par with the theory of instinct.
Jung’s ideas have sometimes been cited to explain certain experiences
or certain cultural-historical facts that seem to indicate the existence
of a spiritual dimension, and subsequently the inhabitants of
such spiritual dimensions—angels and demons. On the other hand, the
fact that different cultures at different periods of time all report similar
beings might also indicate that such phenomena reflect archetypal patterns
in the human mind rather than that angelic spirits truly exist.

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