петък, 14 януари 2011 г.


Cherubim rate second in the hierarchy according to the Dionysian
schema of angels. The word is taken from the Akkadian language and
means “one who prays” or “one who intercedes.” Ancient Assyrian art
depicts cherubim as having large, winged bodies of sphinxes, eagles,
and other animals, with faces of lions or human beings. They were
positioned at the entrance to temples and palaces as threshold
guardians and were regarded as spirits of protection.
The cherubim are the first angels mentioned in the Bible, when
they are placed by God at the gates of Eden to prevent Adam and Eve
from returning to the Garden: “He drove out the man; and at the east
of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life” (Gen.
3:24). In this passage and others (e.g., the cherubim carved on the
Ark of the Covenant in Exod. 25:18–22) these angels are clearly performing
the guardian function they served in ancient Assyria.
In the Dionysian tradition, Gabriel is said to be the chief of the
order of cherubim. The Talmud equates the cherubim with the Order of Ophanim (the wheels or chariots) or the Order of Hayoth (holy
beasts). The cherubim are also known as the record keepers who
express their love of knowledge and wisdom by helping to carry out
the will of God. A fascinating process of evolution has transformed
these monstrous beasts that guarded the buildings of ancient times to
the modern chubby little cherubs seen on holiday cards at Christmas
and Valentine’s Day.

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