сряда, 28 ноември 2012 г.
Beraud, Marthe (c. 1886–?)
medium, better known by her pseudonym “Eva C.”
She was studied by Charles Richet, Baron ALBERT VON
The name “Eva C.”—the “C.” was supposed to stand
for “Carriere”—was given to Marthe Beraud by Schrenck-
Notzing in his book, Phenomena of Materialisation (1913;
English-language edition 1920). Richet had used the
medium’s real name in reporting his earlier studies, but
these met with so much ridicule that Schrenck-Notzing
seems to have felt the need to disguise the identity of his
subject by giving her a fi ctitious name.
Beraud was the daughter of a French army offi cer stationed
in Algiers, the capital of Algeria, in northern Africa.
Her date of birth is not known exactly. Her medi um is tic
talents were discovered by a General Noel and his wife, to
whose son, Maurice, Beraud became engaged before the
young man was killed on an expedition to the Congo. With
a Ouija board, Madame Noel had been contacting a personality
who called himself “Bien Boa,” and who claimed
to have known Beraud in a previous incarnation (see REINCARNATION).
Beraud, in mediumistic trance, seemed to be
able to materialize Boa’s physical form. Richet responded
to Madame Noel’s invitation to visit Algiers and attended
20 SEANCES with Beraud at the Noels’ residence late in
1905. He observed Bien Boa on a number of occasions,
and even took photographs of him. In these photographs,
many of which he later published, the fi gure looks twodimensional,
almost like a cardboard cutout. This resemblance
gave the inevitable critics a fi eld day.
The skeptical position was strengthened when a former
chauffeur of the family (who had been fi red for stealing)
came forward and claimed that he was responsible
for the materializations, and when a family friend claimed
that Beraud herself had confessed to fraud, an accomplice
having sneaked into the seance room through a trapdoor
in the corner. Investigation, however, showed there to be
no such trapdoor, and the chauffeur was too tall and massive
to have played the part of Bien Boa.
Whatever the genesis of Bien Boa, it is a curious fact
that he did not manifest except at the Noels’ residence.
Richet held sittings with Beraud elsewhere in Algiers in
1906, at which he claimed to have seen a gooey substance,
for which he coined the term ECTOPLASM, emanating from
various parts of Beraud’s body—particularly from her
mouth, ears, vagina, and the nipples of her breasts. The
ectoplasm would quickly organize itself into the shape of
a hand or head, on which a face might appear, sometimes
in miniature. It would then solidify into a sort of paste,dry to the touch, before retracting into the medium’s body,
or disappearing.
The materialized faces often had the same two-dimensional
quality that characterized Bien Boa. Richet considered
the behavior of ectoplasm (which he had seen
sometimes at the Noels’ as well) to be so outlandish that
he held off publishing his notes until the phenomenon
had been reported by others. Bien Boa he believed to
be more acceptable, because so-called “full-form” materializations
had been reported before, most notably by SIR
WILLIAM CROOKES, in reference to KATIE KING, the alleged
In 1908, when she was about 22, Beraud moved to
Paris, where she met the playwright Alexandre Bisson and
his wife, Juliette. The Bissons were interested in PSYCHICAL
RESEARCH, and in 1910 they invited Beraud to live with
them, the better to study the phenomena she produced.
When Alexandre died in 1912, Juliette Bisson changed
quarters, taking Beraud with her. Critics were quick to
allege that Bisson was Beraud’s helpmate as well as her
patron, but Bisson worked closely with psychical researchers
such as Richet and Schrenck-Notzing to design a careful
research program, and published a detailed account of
her work (Les Phenomenes de materialisation, not translated)
in 1914.
Schrenck-Notzing’s study of Beraud began in 1909,
when he was introduced to her and to the Bissons by
Richet, and was to last for more than four years. The sittings
were held both in Paris and in the baron’s personal
laboratory in Munich, with Bisson absent. Schrenck-
Notzing had spent 15 years studying physical mediums
throughout Europe, and he was experienced in designing
controls against fraud. Before each SEANCE, Beraud
was obliged to submit to a strip search, then was dressed
in a tight-fi tting costume. (When alone with Bisson,
she was nude.) She was made to drink blueberry syrup
before seances, so that if she had swallowed “ectoplasm”
in order to regurgitate it during the sitting, it would be
stained, and at the end of a sitting, she was given an
emetic. These and other precautions never produced any
reason to doubt the paranormal source of the ectoplasmic
formations, which closely resembled those observed by
Richet in Algiers. Schrenck-Notzing and Bisson between
them took more than 200 photographs of the strange substance,
many of them published in their books.
Although Schrenck-Notzing’s work with Beraud was
broken off by the outbreak of World War I, it was partially
compensated by the addition of French researchers,
including such fi gures as Camille Flammarion and Gustave
Geley, connected with the INSTITUT METAPSYCHIQUE
INTERNATIONAL (IMI). Geley’s sittings with Beraud were
conducted from 1916 to 1918, and the results were similar
to those of his predecessors.
The phenomena were, however, becoming less strong,
as occurs with many mediums as they age, especially
those whose effects are primarily physical. Twenty of the
forty sittings Beraud held at the SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL
RESEARCH (SPR) in London in 1920 were “blank,” and the
investigating committee, even though they could come up
with nothing better than the “regurgitation hypothesis”
for the successful sittings, declined to rule in her favor.
Two years later, the phenomena were weaker still. Three
professors at the Sorbonne in Paris held 15 sittings with
Beraud, at 13 of which nothing happened. These investigators,
also, concluded that regurgitation was the mostly
likely explanation for the phenomena they did witness,
even though precautions which should have obviated this
possibility had been taken.
In 1922, Beraud was only about 36, but she seemed
to have exhausted her talent. Her subsequent history is
not known, but the research with her did have a sequel.
Twenty-fi ve years after Geley’s death, skeptical psychical
researcher Rudolf Lambert published an article in the
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in which he
declared that EUGENE OSTY, Geley’s successor at the IMI
(and recently deceased), had shown him a set of photographs
that looked suspiciously like the two-dimensional
ectoplasmic faces were pinned to Beraud’s hair and body
by wires.
The photographs in question were never published
and are not now known to exist. Moreover, all the persons
Lambert mentioned in his communication were deceased
at the time he wrote. This is the type of hearsay evidence
that would be heavily discounted if it were in favor of a
medium’s ability, and it would seem best to make a similar
discounting in this instance. Many published photographs
show signs similar to those described in Lambert’s
letter, but the discussion by those who were present and
saw the ectoplasm in the process of formation, suggests
that they should be understood as ectoplasmic threads,
rather than wires.
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