вторник, 27 ноември 2012 г.
Barnstable House
Haunted house in Barnstable, Cape
Cod, Massachusetts, known as the “House of Eleven
Ghosts.” The Barnstable House is occupied by several
GHOSTS, though 11 different ones have not been distinguished.
The house is located on Old Kings Highway,
which runs through Cape Cod. A stretch of the highway that passes through Barnstable is renowned for being the
most haunted area on the Cape. The house sits atop an
underground stream.
Barnstable House has passed through numerous owners
in its nearly 300-year history. It was framed in Scituate,
Massachusetts, shipped to Barnstable, and constructed by
James Paine in 1716. Paine’s grandson, Robert Treat Paine,
was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
By the time of the American Revolutionary War, the
house was owned by Edmund Hawes. On October 1,
1776, Hawes sold it to Elisha Doane, who paid for it in
worthless continental currency. Distraught, Hawes committed
SUICIDE by hanging himself from a tree on the
In 1799, the house was bought by Samuel Savage,
a doctor who owned it until his death. It passed to his
daughter, Hope Savage Shaw, the second wife of Supreme
Court Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw. In 1832, the house was
sold to Abner Davis. Upon his death, it passed to Davis’s
wife, Nancy, and then to her son, Adolphus, a Boston
shipowner. During the time the house was owned by the
Davises, it was believed to be occupied by a sea captain
named John Grey, known as an unfriendly man.
Barnstable House became an inn and restaurant during
the 1900s. There was a revolving door of owners and
names, among them the 1716 House, Old Jail House,
The Sign of the Blue Lantern, Andrea Doria Inn, Captain
Grey’s, and, ultimately, the Barnstable House, its present
name. In the 1980s, the house was turned into a commercial
offi ce building, its present use.
Haunting Activity
Barnstable House has long been reputed to be haunted,
and SEANCES have been held at different times on the
premises. The name “House of Eleven Ghosts” was
bestowed by a psychic, who said that 11 different entities
were on the premises. There is no record of their specifi c
The most famous incident took place in 1973 when
a fi re broke out in the house in the middle of the night.
The Barnstable Fire Department responded to the call
at about 3 A.M. and sent two fi re trucks to the scene.
Several fi refi ghters saw a woman standing in one of the
upstairs windows. They raced inside to rescue her, but no
woman could be found. Within moments, she was seen
fl oating about the fi re trucks about two feet off the snowcovered
ground. She was wearing a long white dress and
had long blonde hair. The witnesses attested that she had
a sad expression and asked, “Where is the dalmatian?”
There was no dog on the property or in the house. The
woman then vanished. MEDIUMS who said they contacted
the ghost said her name was Martha. There are no historical
records to validate the name. One possibility is that a
guest named Martha stayed there during the house’s days
as an inn.
The ghost of Captain Grey is said to lurk about the
basement. He is known as “the door slammer” after his
favorite activity—slamming open doors shut without
apparent cause.
Another ghost is said to be that of Lucy, a young girl
who died in the underground stream. Her ghostly mother
rocks a rocking chair, waiting for her daughter to return.
There is no known historical record of such a girl or a
Once a spontaneous fi re burst out in a downstairs fi replace
and extinguished itself just as suddenly. At the time,
a group of students was upstairs making noise; the fi re
went out when they quieted down. Candle chandeliers
also have suddenly flamed.
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