вторник, 1 ноември 2011 г.


Spiritualism has several different meanings

, but it usually refers to a
religious movement originating in the mid-nineteenth century. This
movement has always stressed survival after death and communication
with the dead by means of psychic mediumship. Claiming to
embody a “scientific” spirituality, Spiritualists reject many doctrines of
traditional religions, such as eternal damnation.
Most known societies have believed in the possibility of communication
with the spirit world. One of the key notions of mainstream
Spiritualism is the idea of spirit guides—disembodied helper spirits
who are often deceased relatives. These guides resemble traditional
guardian angels, a specific category of angelic beings said to be
assigned to watch over each person. Despite functional similarities,
these two categories of beings (ghosts and angels) have traditionally
been regarded as entirely distinct. Today, however, because many people
who have undergone near-death experiences have reported seeing
deceased loved ones on “the other side,” the distinction between disembodied
helper spirits and guardian angels has blurred for many.

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