неделя, 23 октомври 2011 г.


Sariel (also known under several variant names, including Suriel, Zerachiel,
and Saraqel) is one of the original seven archangels, according
to the Book of Enoch. His name means “God’s command,” and he is
responsible for the lot of the angels that violate God’s sacred ordinances.
Although Sariel usually appears as a holy angel, he is sometimes
mentioned as one who has fallen from the grace of the Lord.
According to Malcolm Godwin (Angels: An Endangered Species), he
has even been known as the angel of death, especially given his role
as the angel sent to fetch the soul of Moses on Mount Sinai.
Sariel is considered a prince of the presence, like Metatron, as well as
an angel of healing, like Raphael. He is called Sariel the trumpeter and
Sariel the angel of death in the Falasha Anthology. Sariel is said to have
inspired Moses toward knowledge and to have instructed Rabbi Ishmael
ben Elisha in the laws of hygiene, as reported in Talmud Berachoth 51a.
Sariel’s name appears in Gnostic amulets, and he is listed as one
of the seven angels in the Ophitic Hebdomad system of primordial
powers (Origen, Contra Celsum 6, 30). It is also reported that when
Sariel is invoked, he manifests in the form of an ox. According to the
Cabala, Sariel is one of the seven angels that rule Earth.
Sariel is associated with the skies and is in charge of the zodiac
sign Aries (the Ram); he also instructs others on the course of the
Moon. (This was once considered to be secret knowledge that was not
to be shared.) According to Davidson, in occult lore Sariel is one of
the nine angels of the summer equinox and is effective as an amulet
against the evil eye. Sariel also appears in the recently unearthed
Dead Sea Scrolls as a name on the shields of the “third Tower,” also
known as “the Sons of Light.” (There were a total of four “towers”—
each a separate group of soldiers).

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